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Art Restoration Near Me, Houston, Art Restoration Service Houston

Art Conservation Houston

This painting belonged to our client’s husband’s parents. It came from Scotland and made its way through the Ellis Island entry into the US from Scotland. The exact age is not know but based on our experience, we would say it is about 130 to 140 years old. The family wanted to throw it away, but our client found us online. She thinks it might possible be a portrait of her husband’s father or grandfather.

The painting was dirty, had rips, scratches, a weak paint layer, and the frame was badly banged up, etc….

She was possibly doing a search for art restoration near me Houston,picture restoration near me Houston,art restoration service Houston,cleaning oil paintings with vinegar Houston,oil painting restoration Houston,cleaning oil paintings with linseed oil Houston,how to clean an oil painting Houston,how to clean oil painting Houston,how to clean a painting Houston,how to clean an acrylic painting Houston,how to clean a oil painting Houston,art conservation Houston,art restoration Houston,painting restoration Houston,art conservator Houston,or art restorer Houston, but the important thing is she found us!


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