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Art Restoration Near Me Houston, Art Conservation Houston

Cleaning Oil Paintings in Houston

Cleaning oil paintings in Houston is our not only art restoration and conservation service. If you found us searching for “Art Restoration Near Me Houston” or Art Conservation Houston”, welcome!

Our client’s parents bought this 1800s painting at a flea market in France without realizing it was a valuable piece of fine art. The painting was foreboding to her when she was young because it was so dark and dingy.

She went to get it framed, and the framer asked her about getting it cleaned. She searched Google for “restoration oil painting Houston” and found us!

When we received the painting, it looked dirty and grimy. After receiving the painting back, she said that we had done a very, very lovely job on it, and she was very pleased. She also mentioned that the details and cleaning made the blush in the cheeks visible, the hands were so much clearer, the painting is now vibrant, and the sunlight and shadows are more visible. The cathedral spire is now visible.

Call us for all fine art oil painting restoration needs! 713-984-0278


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